Thursday, February 1, 2007


a writing frenzy ensued, thanks/curses
to a boy we shall call...Phil, for that is his name
additionally goo.
looking thru the window, rather
looking past it for the clearest view as clear as it can be for him right now
even if he gets past the window
to start his viewing fresh on the other side of the pane
the pain still taints it, all of it
shivering branch of birch
icy crunchy slush
raindrops rolling-down rubber
and every woman walking by
who still isnt
a thunder clap in the throat
gale force from the diaphragm
agape the violent-red aperture
he must have said something funny
blue birds dont sing for this
but green grass will grow
she'll stay upon that kiss
and he'll never know
just the manic scribblings of a half-genius girl in a zany mad-cap world who's trying to make her mark on the scratch-free surface of this world, with a tiny diamond ring and hope
all she ever knew was simple chaos. and maybe thats why she couldnt let go. she didnt know how to be happy in a contented, TV movie, pearls & teddy bears kind of way. she knew how to be happy in the cracks. happy, is the space between the crazy. certainly everyone knows that. everyone in her world.. so what if there was no longer any crazy? what then would define happy? so she found herself ways to bring the crazy back from its mid season hiatus. why not be particularly cranky, rude, argumentative, sulky, snide, and miserable? 'cuz after all, whats the calm after the storm without that storm? this is the particular brand of reasoning that comes along with simple chaos.
make believe and lets pretend
upon a world of my own wonders
and wonders and thinks shared only with the heart
by heart is meant hormones of course
coarse are the realities of my un-make believe
not so pleasant as our own intentions
and everyone knows autumn springs forth from summer's winter

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